6th conference The development of e-learning in higher education of economics,
19 November 2009, Katowice, Poland
The aim of a conference is to continue an academic discussion about e-learning in higher education with a particular concern on the role of modern technologies which are implemented into teaching of economics.
The first conference dedicated to those issues, organised in November 2004 in the University of Economics in Katowice, aimed at presenting e-education and initiating a discussion about possible forms of cooperation in the area of supporting the didactic process with online education methods.
The second conference, was held in November 2005 in Warsaw School of Economics. The Warsaw conference concerned especially challenges which the academic environment had to face, ways of further development, the need of integration of institutions dealing with e-learning in Poland, good practices of coopearion and creating virtual universities - all those issues on the basis of close integration of modern technologies with traditional forms of teaching. During the meeting, results of the first conference were also presented.
The third conference, organized in November 2006 in Cracow was addressed mainly to academics who are involved in organising of the didactic process and managing a university. Good practice in organization, methodology and technology; e-education versus transformation of the higher education and new trends in e-learning were discussed during the conference.
During the forth conference, organized in November 2007 in Wroclaw, participants discussed, among others, the role of education in creating knowledge-based society, transformation of the educational system, new trends in e-learning, quality of didactic processes and research in e-learning.
The fifth conference, organized in November 2008 in Poznan aimed at reflecting on e-learning for the development of knowledge-based society, e-education in formal and informal learning, sharing and co-creation of educational resources, quality of didactics and research in e-learning, economic effectiveness of e-learning and its measures and at presenting projects, case studies and good practice.
Publications of conferences in PDF format along with videos are available on the website: www.e-edukacja.net (in Polish).
Main issues of the conference recommended by the Programme Committee are as follows:
- The significance of education in the process of knowledge-based society’s development
- The role of e-education in shaping of modern system of education
- E-learning in formal and informal education
- Potential and efficiency in e-learning
- Quality of didactics and research in e-learning
- Projects, case studies, good practice
The conference will be held in:
Karol Adamiecki University of Economics in Katowice
Bogucicka 3, Building A, 40-226 Katowice, Poland
More information:
Foundation for the Promotion and Accreditation of Economic Education
Al. Niepodleglosci 162
Warsaw, Poland
tel/fax. (+48 22) 646 61 42